Objavljeno Jun 18, 2024

At yesterday’s meeting of the Executive Board of the EBA, which was held at the invitation of the President of the EBA, historic decisions were made for the work and functioning of aan beekeeping association, which functions on the principle of voluntary membership

Members of the EBA Executive Board presents:

1) President of the European Beekeeping Association, Mr. Boštjan Noč;
2) Member of Executive Board, Mr. Rodoljub Živadinović;
3) Member of Executive Board, Mr. Stefan Spiegl ;
4) Member of Executive Board, Mrs. Tetyana Vasylkivska;
5) Member of Executive Board, Mr. Jorge Spiteri;

1. Cancellation of the mandatory membership fee for EBA members and future EBA members for 2024 and 2025, namely:
a) The Founders of the EBA (national beekeeping associations and beekeeping associations that joined the EBA until April 22th, 2024) as well as the national beekeeping associations and beekeeping associations that joined the EBA until the date of this decision, do not pay the mandatory membership fee (they are exempt from paying the mandatory membership fee) for 2024 and 2025 year.
b) All national beekeeping associations that join the EBA by October 1th., 2024. year, they will be exempted from paying the mandatory membership fee for 2024 and 2025;

c) All national beekeeping associations that join after October 1th., 2024. will be obliged to pay the mandatory membership fee in accordance with Article 14.1. EBA Statute.

d) In the event that there is no national beekeeping association in one country, the two largest beekeeping associations (with the largest number of beekeepers) will have the status of exempted national beekeeping association from paying the mandatory dues, if they join the EBA as of October 1th., 2024;

e) The members of the Executive Board and the Secretary General of the EBA are obliged to send an invitation to all national beekeeping associations and beekeeping associations in Europe to join the work of the EBA, after the entry into force of this Decision of the Executive Board.

They are obliged to submit the report on the submitted invitations and responses to the President within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the Executive Board Decision.

2. The way the president works for 2024 and 2025
– The President of the EBA will work without compensation for his work.

– If someone wants to invite the President of the EBA to his meeting, the travel expenses of the President of the EBA will be borne by the organizer of the meeting to which he invited the President of the EBA and will pay him a fee of 500 euros.

– Meetings of the EBA Executive Board in 2024 and 2025 will be held exclusively via online services or viber and whatsapp groups, so we will have absolutely no expenses for Executive Board meetings, except when one of the possible hosts bears all travel and accommodation expenses, or if members of the Executive Board already gather on some other occasion due to the organization of EBA activities (EBA scientific conference and the like), so that opportunity is also used for a live Executive Board meeting.

– By 2026, the President expects to produce results that the EBA will present in the best light.

– In case the results are missing, the President will resign without delay.

-EBA wants to become the THE ALLIANCE of all European beekeepers, the membership fee must not be a reason for non-membership. In this and the next year, we will prove that EBA works hard and responsibly for bees, beekeepers and consumers and that it is worth being a member!

Statement of the president

On behalf of the European Beekeeping Association, Mr.Boštjan Noč (President of the European Beekeeping Association) said


On behalf of the European Beekeeping Association, Mr.Boštjan Noč (President of the European Beekeeping Association) said: “EBA wants to become the union of all European beekeepers, the membership fee must not be a reason for non-membership. In this and the next year, we will prove that EBA works hard and responsibly for bees, beekeepers and consumers and that it is worth being a member! Best of all, EBA is an organization that brings together all beekeepers of Europe, to help bees, beekeepers and consumers together. We will find donors and sponsors for the work of EBA, and we will dispose of the money very rationally. As president of the EBA, I will work completely free of charge for the next two years, and only material costs will be covered for travel expenses due to the organization of EBA activities. If there are invitations from European beekeeping organizations for my visits, the organizer will bear the costs. The goal is to realize the main goals in the next two years, and if we don’t realize the goals, then we don’t need EBA! Let’s be proud, that we are members of EBA, EBA is the only beekeeping organization that will work diligently for the first two years without a membership fee, an organization that wants results first, and only then, if we are successful together, it will be a time for the membership fee and for new successes in the development of beekeeping”.

Conditions for free membership in 2024 and 2025

– all those who have already joined the EBA by 17.6. 2024

– all national beekeeping associations or other beekeeping associations that are among the two largest in the country in terms of the number of beekeepers and will join the EBA by October 1. 2024

– possible withdrawal from the EBA is free of charge

All additional information at

#EbaExecutiveBoard #BoštjanNoč #RodoljubŽivadinović #StefanSpiegl #TetyanaVasylkivska #JorgeSpiteri #MembershipFeeCancellation #NationalBeekeepingAssociations #PresidentWork2024 #OnlineMeetings