Objavljeno May 23, 2024

The president of the world beekeeping organization Apimondia supports the EBA’s efforts against fake honey!
Today, the head office of ČZS and EBA was visited by the president of the world beekeeping organization Apimondia, Mr. Jeff Pettis from the USA.
As President of the European Beekeeping Association (EBA), I informed him that the EBA will join Apimondia as a full member and that I believe in fostering strong cooperation. Above all, we aim to be active in the European sector of Apimondia. The global goal of all beekeepers should be to eliminate fake bee products from the market. Mr. Pettis supports the goals of the EBA, he promised support and cooperation in the realization of the goals, he especially supports the efforts in the fight against fake bee products on the market!
On this occasion, the President of ČZS and EBA, Noč Boštjan, and Vice President of Apimondia, Dr. Peter Kozmus, presented two initiatives to Mr. Pettis:
1. Slovenia’s initiative for Slovenia, with the support of Apimondia, to take over the certification of beekeeping tourism worldwide.
2. At last year’s international IMYB competition in Ivančna Gorica, ČZS, ICYB, and the Municipality of Ivančna Gorica signed a joint initiative for Apimondia to establish a commission for young beekeepers.
Apimondia president has supported both initiatives and will do everything to get them accepted by Apimondia management.

#PresidentApimondia #JeffPettis #EuropeanBeekeepingAssociation #EBA #NočBoštjan #PeterKozmus #SloveniaInitiative #BeekeepingTourism #IMYBCompetition #YoungBeekeepersCommission