Objavljeno May 17, 2024

Today, in Višnja Gora, Slovenia, in the Carniolan Bee House was held a meeting of the EBA Executive Board which adopted numerous important decisions.

The meeting was attended by all members of the Executive Board.

First of all, it was decided that EBA, immediately after the formal registration, which will follow in the next days, join the World Beekeeping Federation Apimondia, as a full member.

The decision was made to submit a proposal for a Memorandum of Cooperation with the EPBA, for joint work on solving three priorities from the EBA Statute: the fight against honey counterfeiting, the fight for introducing subsidies per hive based on the pollination of cultivated and uncultivated plants, as well as the fight against bee poisoning.

It was decided that all members of the EBA Executive Board will receive a new assignment for the promotion of the EBA and the improvement of international cooperation, as Vice-Presidents of the EBA for promotion and international cooperation. The General Secretary of the EBA will contact all national associations that have not yet joined the EBA, and schedule video meetings attended by one of the EBA Vice Presidents for promotion and international cooperation.

A decision was made on the text of the EBA press release on the occasion of World Bee Day, which, together with a promotional video, will be sent to the media across Europe on May 19th., 2024. EBA members who have subtitled the promotional film in their own language are invited to send it to EBA in full quality, so that we can place it on the EBA website for download by the media.

The decision was made that in the following period the EBA will publish the Information Magazine of the European Beekeeping Association once a month, if necessary and more often. The magazine will be published on Sundays. The magazine will contain the activities of the EBA, but also the activities of national and other associations that are members of the EBA. All beekeeping associations that are members of the EBA are invited to send their activities that they consider the most important, on no more than half of an A4 page, by the 20th of each month at the latest, in order to be added to the magazine. Such texts of EBA members must be signed by the author of the text, in order to know who is responsible for the accuracy of the submitted data.

It was decided to invite the media and other organizations that want to regularly receive these press releases to send their email to the EBA.

It was decided not to establish new scientific committees for the time being. All attention will be paid to the activities of the existing scientific committee ( The executive board once again invites its members to send proposals for candidates for this scientific board by May 20, 2024.

It was decided that the EBA would organize a scientific conference, preferably in Brussels, that is, in the European Parliament. The conference will not only define the problems, but also offer their solutions. Since the EU elections are taking place this year, it is likely that the earliest possible date for this conference will be in January. The Executive Board of the EBA authorized the Scientific Board of the EBA to prepare a proposal for the conference program with the right topics and proposed solutions by October 15th. at the latest.

It was decided that the creator of the EBA logo will create a transparent version of the logo, after which all types of logos will be forwarded to EBA members. The goal is to use and promote the EBA logo as much as possible.

The Hellenic Organic Beekeeping Association proposed a good survey that would bring new data on the issue of EBA beekeeping. It was decided to send the survey to the EBA Scientific Committee, which will complete it. After completion, the survey will be sent to all EBA members.

#EbaExecutiveBoard #WorldBeekeepingFederation #MemorandumOfCooperation #HoneyCounterfeiting #SubsidiesPerHive #BeePoisoning #InternationalCooperation #PromotionalVideo #InformationMagazine #ScientificConference