Objavljeno May 17, 2024

The European Professional Beekeepers Association (EPBA) published a press release on the occasion of World Bee Day.

We are glad that we have completely the same goals, and we hope that we will cooperate closely in the future.
The European Beekeeping Association will send a letter with a proposal for cooperation, in order to achieve the three priority goals of the European Beekeeping Association (fighting against counterfeit honey, introducing subsidies per beehive for pollination, fighting against bee poisoning).
We are publishing their press release in full. The EBA will publish its press release on 19 May.

European Professional Beekeepers Association
May 20th: World Bee Day – Save the Bees! Join the Fight on World Bee Day and Support Local Beekeepers! A message from the European Professional Beekeepers!

Let’s take a moment today to honor and protect these industrious creatures who contribute immensely to our lives. Happy World Bee Day to all bee enthusiasts, advocates, and guardians around the globe! Let’s support bees with choices that are in our hands and on our spoons.

The bee is a symbol of environmental health, sustainability, and responsibility.

Stakeholders are dedicated to defending bees through biodiversity protection programs. You can contribute too: Have you ever considered that consuming local honey helps secure more resources for bees and beekeeping? Indirectly, this support helps these bees pollinate crops and plants in your area, promoting a virtuous circle of biodiversity.

Beekeepers in the EU are facing a significant challenge: unfair competition from increasing imports of fraudulent and very cheap honey below production costs from non-EU countries.

This compounds other issues beekeepers and their bees are already experiencing, such as failing honey crops due to climate change.

By buying local honey, you support your local bees and thus local pollination, while reducing the carbon footprint through shorter transportation distances. Of course there are wonderful and high-quality honeys from all over the world. But choose good quality for good value and with good traceability.

Read the label carefully when buying honey. The origin of the honey is always indicated.

European beekeepers have advocated for a new labelling law, so honey mixtures from different countries are now listed on the label instead of simply stating EU/Non-EU. This will help you, as a honey consumer, to make an informed decision.

No bees, no life. Save your local bees by supporting your local beekeepers.


Buy and enjoy local honey!

Your professional beekeepers

#EuropeanProfessionalBeekeepersAssociation #WorldBeeDay #EuropeanBeekeepingAssociation #SaveTheBees #SupportLocalBeekeepers #HappyWorldBeeDay #EnvironmentalHealth #BiodiversityProtection #LocalHoney #ClimateChange