Objavljeno Apr 29, 2024

Invitation to join the EBA Scientific Committee

The European Beekeeping Association (EBA) is pleased to invite you to apply for membership in the Scientific Committee.

The primary mission of the Scientific Committee is to champion the high quality and safety standards of bee products across Europe. Among the EBA’s objectives is the continuous effort to combat adulterated honey in Europe by advocating for the harmonization of standardized analytical procedures and the establishment of a European reference laboratory. Additionally, the EBA aims to safeguard consumers of bee products and enhance awareness of the nutritional advantages associated with high quality bee products. The Scientific Committee will play a pivotal role in advancing these goals providing expert guidance to support and advance the objectives of the EBA.

This committee will bring together professionals and researchers who will provide scientific counsel on the safety and quality aspects of bee products. Serving as a vital link between expert knowledge and the needs of beekeepers and consumers alike, the committee members are expected to demonstrate active engagement in food safety matters (supported by references), possess a sound understanding of European food safety policies and associated legislative frameworks, and exhibit a comprehensive grasp of local and regional challenges within the beekeeping domain, particularly concerning the safety and quality of bee products.

If you believe you can contribute to our mission through active participation in the Scientific Committee, we invite you to submit a brief application (maximum 300 words) to by May 20th. Please include in your application letter a statement outlining your motivation, your area of expertise, and a brief list of references pertinent to your professional or academic contributions in the field of bee product quality and safety.

#EbaScientific #BeekeepingAssociation #EuropeanReference #NutritionalAdvantages #FoodSafetyMatters #EuropeanPolicies #RegionalChallenges #ProfessionalResearchers #ActiveParticipation #BeeProductQuality