Objavljeno Mar 25, 2024

The European Beekeeping Association (EBA) has established a cooperation with Mr.Alexandru Giboi, Secretary General of the European Alliance of NewsAgencies (EANA), co-coordinator and lecturer in international strategic management at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano and co-founder of Evolution Consulting, a highly specialised Swiss communication consulting firm. Mr.Alexandru Giboi will help EBA as a pro-bono communication & reputation advisor.

Evolution Consulting will also provide pro-bono assistance with writing the association’s press releases and their targeted distribution.

Mr.Alexandru Giboi said: “I am entering this partnership wholeheartedly, placing my 20 years of professional experience at the disposal of the very important, albeit new European Beekeeping Association, with the goal of supporting the Association’s noble goals. I understand the fundamental role that bees have for the health of our planet’s environment and I know the EBA will play its part dutifully. My decision also has a personal side to it, as my father was a passionate beekeeper himself and in a way I am honouring his legacy.”

On behalf of the European Beekeeping Association, Mr.Boštjan Noč (President of the Beekeeping Association of Slovenia and initiator of the establishment of the European Beekeeping Association) said: “By leveraging Mr. Alexandru Giboi’s skills and experience in communication and media, the European Beekeeping Association can enhance its visibility, engage with stakeholders more effectively, and ultimately achieve its communication goals”.

#EuropeanBeekeepingAssociation #MrAlexandruGiboi #EuropeanAllianceOfNewsAgencies #UniversitàDellaSvizzeraItaliana #EvolutionConsulting #ProBonoCommunication #PressReleases #BeekeepingAssociationOfSlovenia #CommunicationGoals #EnvironmentalHealth