Objavljeno Mar 07, 2024

The European Beekeeper’s Association addressed a reasoned letter to the Commissioner for Agriculture of the European Union, His Excellency Janusz Wojciechowski, and requested a meeting regarding the pan-European problem with counterfeit honey. Such unfair competition, which is gaining momentum, does not allow real beekeepers to market their honey. Consumers are deceived, the beekeeping industry is on its knees. The European Beekeeping Association is fighting for something to change, because we all need an urgent solution.
Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski addressed us today through his cabinet, with the message that he will receive us in mid-April. That’s why we invite other European beekeeping organizations to join us and work together to improve the future of beekeeping in Europe.
We thank His Excellency the EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, and look forward to the meeting to present the problems of beekeepers across Europe.
This is a great success of the European Beekeeping Association, because it managed to establish contact and schedule a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Agriculture at the very beginning of its work. The most important thing is that the commissioner understood our problems and scheduled a quick meeting where we will discuss in detail the possible solutions to the complex problem in which the beekeeping of the whole of Europe has found itself.

Commissioner for Agriculture of the European Union
His Excellency Janusz Wojciechowski

#EuropeanBeekeepersAssociation #CommissionerForAgriculture #HisExcellencyJanuszWojciechowski #CounterfeitHoneyProblem #BeekeepingIndustry #UrgentSolutionNeeded #EuropeanBeekeepingOrganizations #FutureOfBeekeeping #EUCommissionerForAgriculture #BeekeepersProblemsInEurope