The Serbian Federation of Beekeeping Organization’s (SFBO or SPOS in Serbian) has the honor of hosting the Founding Assembly of the European Beekeeping Association (EBA), during the grand jubilee XV State Beekeeping Fairwith international participation. The fair will be held on February 10 and 11, 2024, at the Belgrade Fair.
The initiative committee for the establishment of the EBA chose Serbia as the host, as a neutral ground, outside the EU. We will try to be good hosts, as always, and thank you for this honor.
The Founding Assembly of the European Beekeeping Association will be held on February 10, 2024, starting at 3 p.m., in the ceremonial hall in the administrative building of the Belgrade Fair(www.sajam.rs/en/about-us/conference-halls).
Let us remind ourselves, these are primarily the following three main goals of establishing the European Beekeeping Association:
-The fight against counterfeit honey that flooded the European market
-The fight for the introduction of special subsidies per beehive based on the contribution to the pollination of cultivated and uncultivated plants and the improvement of ecology
-The fight against the improper use of pesticides toxic to bees
For one representative of all national beekeeping associations who wrote the EBA Application Form, with financial support from the German GIZ, two free overnight stays on a full board basis were provided. Those who haven’t done it yet, can do it now, and send the Application Form to the email europeanbeekeepingassociation@gmail.com. The application form is attached. So far, the application has been written by national and/or regional beekeeping associations from the following countries: Slovenia, Hungary, Ireland, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Greece, Malta, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia.
From a country where there are several national beekeeping associations, the association with the most beekeeper members is considered to be representative.
In cooperation with the Congress Bureau of Serbia, we are working to provide accommodation for other beekeeping associations that have joined or these days will join the establishment of the European Beekeeping Association, and that process has come to an end. We will inform you about this as soon as possible, i.e. immediately after receiving your applications to attend the EBA Founding Assembly, i.e. on January 22, 2024. Therefore, until that date, do not book your hotel yet, because you will get it for free 99.9% of the time. We will send you the exact name of the hotel within the next week.
The travel expenses of the arrival in Belgrade are borne by the delegates of the national beekeeping associations, i.e. their associations.
February 9, 2024:
– Arrival of representatives of beekeeping associations in Belgrade in the afternoon and entering the hotel
– Self-organized tour of Belgrade
– Dinner at the hotel
February 10, 2024:
– Breakfast at the hotel
– From 9 аm to 6 pm: Free visit to the big jubilee XV State Beekeeping Fair with international participation. The fair is held in Hall 2 of the Belgrade Fair. View the program of the fair at www.spos.info/konacni-program-xv-drzavnog-pcelarskog-sajma and select the language in the site menu by clicking on the corresponding flag (English, German, French, Spanish, Serbian and Croatian).
– Lunch at the hotel
– From 3 pm to 5 pm: Founding Assembly of the European Beekeeping Association, held in the ceremonial hall of the Administrative Building of the Belgrade Fair (www.sajam.rs/en/about-us/conference-halls). The official languages of the assembly are English and Serbian, simultaneous translation (English-Serbian) with headphones is provided for all delegates. Plan your time well so that you are not late for the Founding Assembly.
– Dinner at the hotel
February 11, 2024:
– Breakfast at the hotel
– From 9 am: Excursion by bus (departure in front of the hotel) to the Plant for collecting and placing beekeepers’ honey of the Serbian Federation of Beekeeping Organization’s „NAŠ MED“ located in Rača (110 km from Belgrade). It is expected to return to Belgrade no later than 1 p.m., so plan your return home so that you don’t have to be at the airport before 2 p.m. If you come by car, you can now visit Fair on the second day until 3 p.m. Those who do not want to go on an excursion can go on a self-organized tour of Belgrade, which has a very large number of interesting tourist destinations: www.tob.rs/en
1) Register if you are coming to Belgrade for the Founding Assembly of the EBA, to the email europeanbeekeepingassociation@gmail.com no later than January 21, 2024, so that we can reserve accommodation for you in time. Explicitly state the name and surname of the representative who will attend the Founding Assembly of EBA. If you are physically unable to send a delegate to the Founding Assembly, you can authorize someone you know will attend to represent your beekeeping association. If you do, then send that authorization to the given email.
2) Register if you want to go on an excursion to the email europeanbeekeepingassociation@gmail.com no later than January 21, 2024.
3) Send us the number of members (individual beekeepers) of your beekeeping association in 2023 to the email europeanbeekeepingassociation@gmail.com no later than January 21, 2024.
4) Those who have proposals for candidates for the leadership of the EBA, need to send proposals for the President of the EBA (1), members of the Executive Board (maximum 5) and members of the Supervisory Board (maximum 3) to the email europeanbeekeepingassociation@gmail.com no later than January 21, 2024. This is the number of members of the body provided for in the proposal of the Statute. The proposal of the Statute can of course be changed at the founding Assembly itself, but we definitely need to have quality candidates ready for the EBA management bodies, who WANT to work seriously and quickly on the realization of the proclaimed goals. We believe that they should not be proposed at the Assembly itself, because without prior analysis, inadequate candidates are generally proposed. They need to be dedicated people, who already have the results of their work, and who are ready to devote their time and energy to the realization of EBA’s goals. We don’t want the EBA to be just another inactive organization, but it must be an example to everyone of how to fight for your rights with its hard work.
5) Upon arrival at the hotel, you will be given free tickets for the XV State Bee Fair, which you must have with you, in order to show them to authorized persons at each entrance to Hall 2 of the Belgrade Fair.
6) The Assembly is attended by one representative of the beekeeping associations that have signed the Application Form. Others (observers) can attend until the seats in the hall are filled (the hall has 150 seats), but they do not have the right to participate.
The session will be chaired by the technical secretary of the founding EBA, Biljana Tomić, who was chosen by the Initiative Committee for the establishment of the EBA.
1- A short introductory speech about the necessity of establishing the EBA (introductor is the president of the Beekeeping Association of Slovenia, Boštjan Noč, who is also the initiator of the establishment of the EBA)
2- Consideration of the proposed Statute and adoption of the EBA Statute:
-Main goals and tasks
-Other goals
-Defining the governing bodies of the EBA
-Deciding on the headquarters of the EBA (for now, we have an offer from Slovenia that if the headquarters is in Slovenia, the state will annually finance the EBA with 10,000 euros)
– Adoption of the final version of the Statute
3-Determining the amount of the membership fee
4-Election of the president, secretary, executive and supervisory board of the EBA
Attached to this Invitation are:
1) EBA application form (only for those who have not yet signed it)
2) The proposal for the EBA Statute, which will be discussed at the Founding Assembly and adopted in a final, possibly amended form based on your proposals
Initiative committee for the establishment of the European Beekeeping Association
Jan 12, 2024